
  • IoT, or the Internet of Things, is a network of interconnected physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and other objects. These objects are embedded with sensors, software, and network connectivity.

    Here's how IoT works:

    1. Sensors and Data Collection: IoT devices have special sensors to sense things like temperature, motion, or location. They use these sensors to collect information from the world around them.

    2. Data Transmission: The collected data is then transmitted over the internet or other communication networks, such as Wi-Fi, cellular, or LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network), to a central server or cloud-based platform.

    3. Data Processing and Storage: The central server or cloud platform processes and stores the incoming data. This can involve data analytics, aggregation, and transformation to extract meaningful insights.

    4. Decision-Making: IoT systems use algorithms and rules to analyze the processed data and make decisions based on predefined criteria or machine learning models.

    5. User Interface: IoT systems often have user interfaces, such as mobile apps or web dashboards, that allow users to monitor and control connected devices remotely.

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