Can logistic regression be used for more than 2 classes?

I am curious if logistic regression can be used for more than 2 classes. I am hoping I'm hoping to find a specific answer for this.


  • Yes, logistic regression can be used for more than 2 classes. When logistic regression is used for more than 2 classes, it is known as multinomial logistic regression. The key difference between binary logistic regression and multinomial logistic regression is that in the latter, there are multiple categories or classes of the dependent variable, whereas in the former there are only two categories.
    In multinomial logistic regression, the model estimates multiple equations, each comparing one category to a reference category. This is useful when there are more than two categories that need to be considered in a classification problem. However, it is important to note that multinomial logistic regression can be computationally complex and may require more data to ensure accurate results. Additionally, there are other machine learning algorithms, such as random forest and neural networks, that may be better suited for classification problems with multiple classes.

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